- • Is the Dingcun lithic assembly a “chopper-choppingtool industry”, or “Late Acheulian”?2014-04-09
- • Gomphotherium wimani from Wushan County, China, and its implications for the Miocene stratigr...2014-04-09
- • The gomphotheriid mammal Platybelodon from the Middle Miocene of Linxia Basin, Gansu, China2014-04-09
- • Gomphotheriidae and Mammutidae (Proboscidea, Mammalia) from the Miocene of the Linxia Basin2014-04-09
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- • Impact of agriculture on an oasis landscape during the late Holocene: Palynological evidence ...2014-04-09
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- • New progress in the Holocene climate and agriculture research in China2014-04-09
- • Re-examination of the dates of large blade technology in China--a comparison of Shuidonggou L...2014-04-09
- • The development of Upper Palaeolithic China: new results from the Shuidonggou site2014-04-09
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